my grandmother is a ninja. she will stab you many times in the dark. with a knife.
Seriously. All of you are bastards. Every single fucking last one of you. Except for you at the back there with the buttons on your pants. You're an asshat.
Random diatribes of ANGER aside, things that have happened since my little corner of the intarwebs went down with a debilitating venereal disease, IN THE GROIN:
1. The Lady got new slippers and a new phone.
2. I got new speakers. Cheap.
3. I discovered that there are a LOT of bloody idiotic people in KL.
4. These people are still allowed to use their gonads to produce more stupid children. Stupid with a capital DUMBASS. WHY?!
5. I intended to buy an Xbox360.
6. My laptop is showing signs of dying. No more Xbox360.
7. Optimus Prime can, and will, kick anyone's ass.
7a) special clause for Lainie: This includes Daredevil. In yellow OR in red.
Random diatribes of ANGER aside, things that have happened since my little corner of the intarwebs went down with a debilitating venereal disease, IN THE GROIN:
1. The Lady got new slippers and a new phone.
2. I got new speakers. Cheap.
3. I discovered that there are a LOT of bloody idiotic people in KL.
4. These people are still allowed to use their gonads to produce more stupid children. Stupid with a capital DUMBASS. WHY?!
5. I intended to buy an Xbox360.
6. My laptop is showing signs of dying. No more Xbox360.
7. Optimus Prime can, and will, kick anyone's ass.
7a) special clause for Lainie: This includes Daredevil. In yellow OR in red.