Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I'm back in Cyberjaya again. Everything moves slower.

But this post is not to whine about the lack of sentient life in my surroundings. Oh noooo. It's about something else all together.

Being in Cyberjaya and having no car means that I have to do my grocery shopping at Alamanda. At the big BIG chain supermarket there.

Now, this in itself is no biggie. I've never minded public transport. Having an iPod and a book pretty much makes me invincible to all the cliche annoyances on a bus/train.

But this big supermarket chain thing there has the most annoying security ritual ever. I don't mind leaving my bags at the counter or submitting to a search when I get out of a place. But the buggers here insist on making you hand over your stuff to be sealed in thin plastic bags. Granted this might seem to be a reasonable way prevent theft.

But bugger me backwards if it isn't the most BLOODY HINDERING AWKWARD SECURITY MEASURE EVER.

These sealed baggies that they back to you have no handles. Or grips. Or whatever you call them. So you carry your stuff around gripped tightly like bloody rubbish bags. Fine you can put them in the basket or the push-trolley-cart-whatever-the-fuck-you-call-it thing. But I once went in there with a bag (with handles) of KFC to quickly get a bottle of last minute ketchup. ONE BOTTLE OF KETCHUP. And they made me seal my FOOD in the baggies. Along with my book. And the stack of artwork I had in a file. ALL IN ONE BAG. SO NOW TERRY PRATCHETT SMELLS LIKE THE COLONEL'S DAMNED CHICKEN. Not to mention the artwork. And the proccess took a whole 10 minutes because of my next point about the damned baggies.

They are made of that really thin, floaty plastic. You know the kind. Really cheap and hard to manage. Floating all over the place. The poor bugger behind the sealing machine was wrestling with the stuff like was going to fuck him hard the wrong way. I mean, it was a life and death thing. Crocodile Dundee has nothing, NOTHING, on the poor plastic security sealing baggy dude. Bud Lite salutes you, wrestler of plastic baggies.

It took me all of 30 seconds to run in, get the ketchup and pay at the empty express counter.

Stupid fucking baggies stealing minutes of my life away. I'm a design student dammit. I have procrastinating to do.

ps: Terry Pratchett's "Thud!" is fun.

pps: Everyone give me money so I can buy a ferret at the pet store dammit.


Blogger Keem said...

tightly clutching the plastic baggies make me feel like i'm a fugitive on the run with my very few belongings in a bag.

or i'm a dope trader.

or a china fugitive.

or i had plastic surgery and need to hold my boobs up, and do so by pretending to clutch the plastic bag tightly against my chest.

10:14 AM  
Blogger Merv Kwok said...

i'll give ya a dollar if u buy a ferret n then go to BIG to buy something straight after. mwahahah

4:47 PM  
Blogger lainieyeoh said...

yeah it's fucking cipet place sometimes. They were very rude to me once, and I never went back to that supermarket again.

2:54 AM  
Blogger FishBalls said...

Keem: Uh. >coff!< Sure. Anything you say, darling. (glances left and right quickly to find an escape route from the crazy lady)

Merv: You, my friend, are an anarchist. And I salute you. And as soon as I acquire my ferret, you will be hearing from me. I also accept cheques. Actually, A cheque would be cool. I want a cheque for 1 dollar. Muahaha.

Lainie: I pretty much don't have a choice. What with not having a car and being really lazy. It's a lifestyle thing, being lazy. What I can't stand about the place, though, is the fact that there is no bacon.

3:05 PM  
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5:16 AM  
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5:16 AM  
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10:26 AM  

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