Tuesday, June 21, 2005

bleah overwhelming

I have never been inflicted with this much boredom in my life. There is absolutely nothing to do. I have read every book in the house, finished every game on the Xbox, Nintendo DS and even the lame-o games on my Mac and fiddled with all my toys.

Nothing on the Internet interests me. Probably as an offshoot of the boredom, I feel no inspiration to draw anything.

My brain feels like it is a bowl of gravy. You know, the brown, unidentifiable kind they slop over the meat at cheap steakhouse. With little blobby, floaty bits in it.

My lethargy has reached epic proportions. Yesterday, as I lay in my bed, my nose started to itch. AND I HAD AN INTERNAL DEBATE AS TO MY NEXT ACTION!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!?!?! I HAD TO THINK IF SCRATCHING MY ITCHY NOSE WAS A GOOD IDEA OR NOT.

You know what's worse? It took a whole 15 minutes to decide that scratching it was probably a good idea.


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