Sunday, June 12, 2005

apples and oranges

I just got back from a trip to KL with some members of my family. I was asleep before I even hit the bed. Right about now, I could do with a small horse to eat. Bleargh. I haven't been taking my medication and being this drained is a bad bad sign. I should go see a doctor or some shite.

And to the obnoxious wannabe poser who took his time moving his car when he knew I was waiting for the parking spot: Have a 13-inch dildo on me and fuck yourself on it, you misbegotten wretch. Oooooh, fancy car with all sorts of mods, eh? Looks like someone's got issues with the size of their ding-dong. Move your rancid ass next time you fucking mongrel, people have better shit to do than to watch you slowly fuss around your car with that ass-hole expression on your face. No one is impressed with your stupid vehicle with its shiny lights. SHINY LIGHTS DO NOT MAKE YOUR CAR GO FASTER, YOU BAG OF SOILED TAMPONS!! Your asinine need to dye your hair platinum blond because you're ashamed of your ethnicity makes me sick. YOU'RE ASIAN, YOU PRANCING KEN DOLL!

Argh, I'm too tired for this shit.


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