Tuesday, July 19, 2005

sometimes when we touch


I've known you for about a week and we've been hanging out quite a bit, which has been more fun than stuffing ferrets into bottles.

But after lunch today, something flickered inside me. Something that I thought had died out long ago.

Words alien to the mouth from a long dormancy arose in my throat, nearly forcing their way out. But I said none of them because I treasure what we share.

But it eats at me. Consuming pieces at an alarming rate, washing away swathes of self-control and vast tracts of tact.

I'm left with no choice but to say these words, before they take me completely.

Call me callous and rage at my inability to express myself with the articulation and thought befitting a lady of your brilliance, but I hope you will deign to honour me by reading these words and at least consider them:

Penis fencing.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Jesus Christ in a parachute, I've been cracking up about it the entire afternoon.

Sweet dreams tonight. Tee hee hee!


Blogger Keem said...


i actually forgot about it til NOW.

oh fuckfuckfuck.

I am fishified.

There shall be vengeance!

8:28 PM  
Blogger Illicitus said...

Oh fudge. And the madness continues.

Why am I not thhheeerrreeeee

1:36 AM  
Blogger FishBalls said...

keem: These are the memories that last a lifetime, darling.

penguin: not half as fun without you, my dear.

3:35 AM  

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